Sunday, November 29, 2009

Six Degrees of Separation

Several years ago, a friend and I discussed the theory of six degrees of separation, when he told me that a friend of his had known George Harrison. Yes, the George Harrison of The Beatles. Incidentally, my sister recently reminded me that George had been my favorite Beatle when I was a child. According to her, he was simply my favorite because Paul McCartney had been the most popular Beatle and so, of course, I had to be different. I digress. Since I had also once met my friend's friend who knew George Harrison, I am not certain if I would be considered separated by two or by three degrees from my favorite Beatle. Technically, I guess it would be only two.

Well, I have not given the theory of six degrees of separation much thought. Until last week. I had not paid much attention to the news regarding the couple who crashed the White House State Dinner, until I heard the Oasis Winery mentioned. Then suddenly, I recognized Michaele and Tareq Salahi. Had I not heard the name of the winery, I probably never would have recognized Michaele in the red and gold lehenga. My new vocabulary word. Making a short story even shorter, I had met the two vintners at their winery two or three years ago. And immediately upon finally recognizing these party crashers on the news, I phoned a friend who had been with me at the winery, where we had noticed a photo of the Salahis with Jerry Seinfeld. Yes, the comedian. So now I'm thinking that, not only are there just two degrees separating Jerry Seinfeld from me, I am only a couple of degrees away from Washington's elite. And that means Ponzo is just three degrees removed. Small world. Now I've got the lyrics from the Disney ride in my head: "It's a small world after all...."

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