Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Godot Stays Outside

My mother visited us for a couple of days last month. With the exception of Ginny, who was hiding under the bed, everybody vacated the bedroom and I shut the door as I always do for our out-of-town guests. Well, getting kicked out of the bedroom did not sit well with some of us. The next morning, I discovered a yellow puddle a few feet from the closed bedroom door. I have no proof (and he knows it), but I suspect it was Mark Twain's doing. A little later, right before we were to leave for town, I asked my mother to wait for me and not go outside; of course, she did not listen, and as she was shooing Mark Twain away from the open door, Godot took the opportunity to run outside. Whether or not Mark Twain and Godot planned this, I do not know. Of course, my mother apologized, saying she had no idea that Godot would come out of nowhere and run outdoors. Making a long story short, Godot was letting me know that he did not appreciate the fact that we did not vote on whether or not we should vacate the bedroom and keep the door shut; after all, Godot likes to sleep on the bed during the daytime. Just to make certain that I got his message, Godot stayed hidden all day, moving from his hiding place under the house to a new spot under the shed when I was not looking. This time he really had me worried, which was his intent all along. Right before bedtime, Mikey directed me to the shed, where I saw Godot's eyes glowing in the dark. Godot and I exchanged a few pleasant words, and I headed back to the house. Moments later, Godot sauntered home. And all was well.