Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ponzo, One Year Later

On July 1, 2009, I pulled an extremely ill feral cat named Ponzo out of "the cats' underground railroad passageway" below my deck. One year later, the FIV-positive cat is doing well as a housecat. He has adjusted to strictly indoor life--not by choice, mind you, since he is in quarantine from cats who roam the outdoors. Indoors, I keep a supervisory eye on him, but when I cannot do so, my assistant resides in the computer room, where he is quite comfortable. Ponzo's best buddy is probably Quentin, but the other boys seem to like him as well. The girls, however, have not expressed much of an interest. Anyway, Ponzo and Emma are the only two cats who are not at all bothered by the vacuum cleaners. (Yes, I have several of those noisy things.) While Ponzo does not express a desire to attack or play with the vacuum cleaners in Emma-like fashion, he is no longer the timid little cat who, at any loud noise, used to run and hide in the drainage ditches along the sides of the road.