Monday, November 22, 2010

Living with Bears

I was in the middle of writing a long post about black bears, but my assistant, Ponzo, strongly suggested I delete it and, instead, recommend a book by Linda Masterson entitled Living with Bears, A Practical Guide to Bear Country. I do highly recommend this book to anyone living in black bear country or anyone going camping in black bear country.

I have sometimes wondered what would happen if I ran smack into a black bear--something I almost did a few nights ago. I know that although black bears are shy by nature and do not want any trouble, a person is wise not to turn their back and run--unless, of course, they foolishly wish to be chased. Okay, it was nighttime and Rebel was tied in the yard. Since it was a nice night, I took a little stroll in my yard. Simultaneously, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as Rebel let out his there's-a-bear barks and I heard the heavy crashing sounds through the woods next to me. I suspect the bear had been sitting there until I got too near him, and then we both turned and walked off in opposite directions when Rebel started barking. It was only then that I realized I had turned my back to the black bear, who, by the way, had also turned his back to me. I think it must have been the little guy who has his own bear crossing path through my yard.