Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Seconds in Slow Motion

It has been many months since Mikey has crossed the road. However, I have recently seen her taking a short stroll along the side of the road, without setting her paws on the asphalt. But to the best of my knowledge, Mikey has no desire to cross the road again, ever since the day that a couple of cruel individuals tried to run her down as she was crossing the road. Since I had been standing at the top of my driveway, I was a horrified witness. It seemed that either time stopped or seconds passed in slow motion, when the driver of the truck stepped on the gas and aimed for Mikey, as I stood helpless, not breathing, awaiting the outcome. One of the truck's occupants even leaned out of the passenger window in order to get a better look at the body in the ditch, before the vehicle continued down the road.

I found a very badly shaken Mikey hiding in the ditch, but she had not been hit. And that was all that mattered, as I carried her home.