Sunday, August 1, 2010

Charlotte, Featured Cat of the Month

Charlotte, the fourth of Ginny's kittens, was born at exactly 6:45 pm EST on April 17, 2008. Watching the kitten struggle immediately upon birth, the seconds seemed like minutes to me, and I was on the verge of peeling the fetal membrane off the kitten's face, when Ginny suddenly turned her attention away from the other three kittens and picked up her newest one, which had been behind her back since coming into this world. Skillfully, Ginny removed the membrane from the kitten's body, thus, relieving me of my duties as an inexperienced midwife.

I named the calico-tabby kitten Charlotte, after my favorite college professor, whom I greatly admired as a person. Many years later, I met another nice person named Charlotte and, of course, there is the famous Charlotte of Charlotte's Web. Besides, I thought the name Charlotte would go well with the names of two of her siblings, Darcy and Emma.