Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where's Waldo?

A few hours ago, Ponzo and I had just started to view 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama on Netflix on the computer, when Rebel started carrying on, barking the way he does when there is a black bear in the yard. So I grabbed my camera and, after ordering an excited Rebel to stay indoors, I went outside.

The black bear had already made his way into the ditch across the road; every now and then I would see his head, as he made his way slowly down the ditch. I waited for him to emerge out of the woods, which he finally did, more or less, and I noticed he was a full-grown bear, although he was still partially hidden. I figured I would wait and take my photos of the bear when he was clear of the woods, since it seemed that he had decided he was going to walk on the road. But the bear was very interested in something down the road, because he suddenly stopped in his tracks and he did not even glance my way.

A minute later, I learned what had captured the bear's full attention: a man and his black dog had been walking up the road. With the exception of the racket that Rebel was making inside the house, silence prevailed. The black bear, the black dog, the man, and I were silent, as I watched in amazement: the man allowed his medium-sized dog, who was on a retractable leash, to run right up to the bear, who turned and left quickly through the woods. And then the dog and his owner continued walking in silence, as if they had never run into the black bear. Nobody had even noticed my presence, but I decided that Waldo would be a good name for the bear. By the way, he is in the photo--or is he?

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