Friday, August 13, 2010

A Living Statue

If only I had taken my camera outside with me that one evening when I stood motionless, like a living statue, breathing in the night air, before bringing Mikey indoors for the night! Hearing a commotion coming from the direction of "the cats' underground railroad passageway," I turned my head and noticed Harry Potter, our cat guest, staring at someone who was about to make his presence known to me.

A few seconds later, Shakespeare (our favorite raccoon) came around the corner of the house. Not expecting to see a motionless human--or was I some sort of scarecrow?--Shakespeare stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me from a distance of no more than fifteen feet. I did not even blink as I acted out the part of a living statue. So Shakespeare decided to stand on his hind legs, stretching upward as far as he could to smell me from a safe distance. He reminded me of a bear cub standing upright. Anyway, Shakespeare got a good whiff of my human scent and quickly scampered back into "the cats' underground railroad passageway." His dinner of leftover catfood would be delayed that night.