Wednesday, September 1, 2010

When Harry Met Buddy

The title has nothing to do with this post. I simply did not have an appropriate photo for the subject matter, which concerns both Big Mac and a black bear, separately.

Regarding Big Mac, I am happy to report that he is alive and well. Since Big Mac is the neighbors' orange cat with the fluffy tail, that means another unfortunate orange cat with a fluffy tail was killed by a vehicle on our road earlier this summer. By the way, Buddy is the name of the black cat in the photo with Harry, and he also happens to live with Big Mac; in the past, I have referred to Buddy as the neighbors' black cat, since I did not remember his name. My apologies to Buddy.

As for the black bear, I discovered he had left a calling card, no more than ten feet from my house yesterday. I noticed that the large pile of scat consisted of black sunflower seed shells, so I assumed the bear must have dined at a neighbor's bird feeder. Well, I later learned that the bear had found his dinner, a fifty-pound bag of sunflower seeds, inside a sturdy container which my neighbors had left outside. Apparently, the black bear either cleaned up after himself or took the leftovers with him, since there was no trace of the bag of sunflower seeds (other than the scat in my yard). Except for the destroyed container, there was no evidence that a bear had even been in my neighbors' yard. (When he discovered the fifty pounds of sunflower seeds, the bear must have thought, "What good fortune!" My neighbor laughed in agreement when I said that the bear probably thanked him for providing him with such an unexpected, large meal.)