Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shakespeare Raccoon

This is a rather blurry photo, taken long-distance from inside my house. It was Rebel who made the discovery that Shakespeare likes to sleep under the deck, where the opossums used to sleep, where they had their babies every spring. This year, however, there were no sounds of infants. In fact, I haven't seen any opossums at all, but then they are nomadic. As for Shakespeare, I don't know whether it's Mr. or Ms. Shakespeare, but the raccoon is very cute. Shakespeare could have scratched Rebel's nose if the desire had been there. Instead, the raccoon just looked up at us through the floor boards. Actually, I had thought it was either a feral cat or an opossum, until I saw the black mask on the raccoon's face. And since I am aware that cute raccoons can turn very vicious when cornered or threatened, I resisted the impulse to touch the rascal. I recall, quite well, the ferocity of a captured raccoon who was being relocated years ago by Bubba, a brown Rottweiller-pit mix, if memory serves me correctly, and his owner. Bubba made a lasting impression on me from the moment we met--what a great dog! I used to have a photo of Bubba taped next to my old computer at my previous residence; I'll say it again, what a great dog!