On the bright side, I saw Eggroll's paw prints in the snow by the deck this morning. Eggroll is the young opossum who lives under the deck. Judging by the size of his paw prints, he is no longer small. Does the opossum know his name? No. I only recently decided to name him. The opossum who died here last year was referred to as Mr. Opossum. Perhaps Eggroll is his son, who inherited his father's home under the deck. Opossums are nomadic, supposedly, but I know Mr. Opossum had lived here for several years because I used to see him walking across the deck in the evenings. Contrary to the belief of some people, all opossums do not look alike. I've seen them in varying shades of gray, black, silver, and black-and-white, not to mention the one that had Mikey's coloring. Besides, Mr. Opossum had a short tail, so I could tell him apart easily from his relatives and friends. As for Eggroll's name, it is sort of self-explanatory--I have seen him roll an egg in attempting to pick it up.
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