My second discovery was not so pleasant. A swarm of bugs had descended upon my property during my brief absence today. There are literally hundreds of these insects on my deck and front part of the house. Much to my dismay, but to my cats' amusement, the bugs' apparent objective is to enter my house. And every single time the door gets opened, a few of these pests manage to enter what they believe will be their winter home. Nevertheless, it could be much worse. I suppose I could have had a swarm of those pesky borer insects which look like bumblebees descend upon my home. (Those do make an appearance every spring, but they are always few in number--which has never hindered them from doing some damage to my deck.) Fortunately, today's shield-shaped bugs seem harmless, other than the fact that they are annoying. To make things even more aggravating, I cannot open the windows now, because I know the cats would shred the screens in order to capture these live cat toys. Still, it could be worse. Let's see: wasps, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas.... Wait a minute! I already have a flea collection, which is growing by leaps and bounds, and my cats are not amused. Frankly, neither am I.
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