Monday, September 7, 2009

Limping Black Bear

Because I decided to ignore my barking dog until I finished writing an e-mail, I missed a wonderful photo opportunity. By the time I emerged from my computer room, the young black bear had already limped halfway across my property.

Instead of lunging for my camera, I wasted precious seconds. I do not know what possessed me to gawk at the bear sans camera. I suppose I was trying to figure out why the bear was limping--as if I could do something about it! Time was of the essence, if I was going to take a photo from my living room windows.

Well, once again, I blew it. The mental image of a very determined Rebel pushing his way past me, as I opened the front door, deterred me from taking the risk of stepping outside to take a photo from the safety of my deck. A tiny photo of a retreating black bear's back would have made me happy. I am serious. So here I sit, with the memory of a limping black bear. And Rebel is still carrying on in hopes that the bear will turn around and come back. Mikey, the Black Bear Follower, however, observed the bear from the best seat in the house--the deck railing.

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