Sunday, September 6, 2009

Herb Garden

Ponzo was instrumental in my decision to have a small herb garden again this year. While I was hungrily reading nearly everything I could find about FIV on the internet, I stumbled across "echinacea" and "valerian root." Out of curiosity, I went on a quest to find these plants, which I finally did at a not-so local nursery. I also purchased rosemary and sage plants, along with my usual choices of basil, mint, and parsley, and I bought some seeds. (We shall not speak of my pitiful chives.) With the exception of the rosemary, echinacea, and a couple of valerian plants which went into my wildflower garden bed, I purchased flowerpots and made myself an herb garden on the deck. The planting was all done under Mikey's close supervision, by the way. And I enjoyed my deck garden because it provided some lovely greenery. It also provided food for assorted insects. Nonetheless, I did manage to make myself one cup of pesto with the leftover basil leaves.

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