Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hair Extensions

This photo was taken one month ago while Ponzo was napping (two weeks before he had a relapse), because I wanted to take a picture of Ponzo's curly-haired coat, which is to be found only on his belly. It makes me wonder if he has some Rex ancestry. Initially, I had speculated that Ponzo might have some Maine Coon in him, since I thought he looked like a miniature version of one. Perhaps that is why I purchased kitten chow for him in June; I believed he had at least one or two more months of growth. I was mistaken. Ponzo was young but already fully grown at the time of his first visit to the vet's office in July. Guessing again, I would say Ponzo is probably close to being eighteen months old now. One thing I had guessed correctly, however, was that the hair on his rat's tail, so to speak, would grow back. It certainly did--suddenly!--as if Mother Nature had provided him with hair extensions! Ponzo is sporting a bushy long-haired tail, one which pays homage to his long-haired parent. Or is it a grandparent who was long-haired? Or? As for Ponzo having Maine Coon ancestry, I still think it is a possibility.

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