Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn Begins--Time for Pumpkins

One hundred pumpkin plants. Hundreds of pumpkin flowers. Zero pumpkins.

I am giving up on the fantasy of making my pumpkin pies from scratch. That is, literally from scratch, with the first step of the recipe calling to plant the pumpkin seeds and watch them grow. I have tried this experiment in these woods in prior years. The results have always been the same. Nothing. Not even one tiny pumpkin for a tartlet.

However, at least I have a pumpkin story that goes with the seeds I planted this year. The seeds came out of one of the pumpkins I purchased at Walmart last autumn, when pumpkin pies were on sale. I distinctly recall the cashier mentioning the pumpkin pies--even pointing out that they were much cheaper than the cost of the pumpkins I had set down in front of her. (Not to mention the work involved in making pies using whole pumpkins.) But I could not be swayed, despite the look of disbelief on the woman's face. Okay, so I did put back one of the three pumpkins, but that was only because I realized two would suffice. I did not go home with a store-bought pumpkin pie that day. And so, I saved the seeds from one of the pumpkins for planting in the spring, and history repeated itself.

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