Saturday, October 31, 2009

For Whom the Dog Howls

Over the years, I have met a number of different people who are prejudiced. Some dislike cats. Quite a few dislike black cats in particular. Others dislike dogs. Then there are those who dislike both cats and dogs. And in extreme cases, they hate cats and/or dogs.

When Rebel first joined our family, I was told by someone that dogs are evil. "Why?" I asked. "Because they can see demons." Instantly, I politely retorted, "I see that as a good thing." I mean, wouldn't you want to know if there's a demon standing next to you? As my dad once told me in my childhood, "Don't be afraid of the dead; they can't hurt you. Only the living can hurt you." So my interpretation is, one's dog can protect one from living demons of the human variety.

On the other hand, my paternal grandmother believed in an old wives' tale regarding dogs, which I have found to be true personally. Twice. A howling dog portends impending death. This is not the same as an angel getting its wings every time a bell rings. Every time a dog howls, someone does not die. At least not in one's family or circle of friends--however, for all I know, it could be a portent for a total stranger halfway around the world. Seriously though, I recall my grandmother getting angry at our dog, Peppy, for howling because, soon afterwards, a family member died of a heart attack. My mother defended Peppy, by attempting to reason with her mother-in-law that even if it were true that our dog had sensed impending death somehow, he had not actually caused anyone to leave this world. That was forty years ago, and I vividly recall Peppy howling in the direction of my uncle's house in the neighborhood. The howling may have lasted a week or two; I do not recall the exact length of time. I do remember that Peppy had never howled prior to that time, nor did he howl after my uncle's death.

Not all dogs have this psychic gift, if you will. Howling does not necessarily always signify death. It could signify nothing. Maybe there's a dog in heat in the neighborhood. Maybe the dog's lonely or the dog simply likes to howl or....

Nonetheless, when Rebel started howling for the first time this summer, I had a gut feeling he was not howling because of a black bear, a dog in heat, or any mundane reason. I believe Rebel has inherited Peppy's psychic ability. No, they are not even remotely related, as far as I know, unless it is through reincarnation. I think it is just something that was meant to be in the family, sort of as a tradition. Therefore, I started watching my dog, whose howling was intermittent over a couple of months. And when my mom asked me in which direction Rebel was pointing, I already had the answer: New Jersey. Rebel's last howl occurred during the second week of October, and it was a blood-curdling, long, mournful howl, which was followed by a period of great sadness in my dog. Rebel's time for howling has passed, since death did come knocking on someone's door in New Jersey, and I think I may have convinced my mother to believe that old wives' tale, especially if it is coupled with a dream of a tooth falling out, which is another old wives' tale with the same end result.

Put on your costumes and bring out the candy for the trick-or-treaters. Just remember, ask not for whom the dog howls--the dog howls for thee. Happy Halloween!

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