Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Wag More, Bark Less"

Ignoring the crash I heard this morning, I got out of bed at my leisure. I later discovered that somebody had accidentally knocked over the desk chair. No big deal.

Standing at the front door a couple hours later, I watched the cold rain plastering the fallen leaves onto the driveway. Suddenly, I heard an unfamiliar crashing sound, as if it were running, behind me. I turned around quickly, and I saw the charging cradle, with its attached cord, for my hand-held Dust Devil vacuum cleaner a few feet away from me. By the way, there was no cat in sight. So I returned the charger to the laundry room, but the red Dust Devil itself was missing. I finally found it under the sofa, a couple of yards from the spot where I had seen the charger on the floor. I simply could not imagine how a cat had brought the thing into the room!

Because it was a cold, rainy day, I decided to stay indoors and organize all my bedroom drawers, while watching movies on television all afternoon. Needless to say, my cats insisted on assisting me, especially since the first thing I did was dump everything, clothing and Christmas presents (yes, I like to shop very early), out of the dressers. Then, after slowly organizing my clothes, I took a few things to the laundry room, where I found a present lying in the doorway. Apparently, one of the cats must have played the keep-away game with the "Wag More, Bark Less" t-shirt, still inside its plastic bag, which I had last seen on the bedroom floor.

Unfortunately, the t-shirt bag had been scrunched in the culprit's mouth in order for him/her to carry it to the laundry room. That means the formerly folded t-shirt now has, at the very least, a dozen holes made by feline teeth. And I am short one Christmas present. On the bright side, however, I shall soon have an addition to my vast personal t-shirt collection--that is, after I go shopping for some matching (that might be somewhat of a problem) thread to do some mending.

I believe all of today's culprits are in this post's photo. But since I was not a witness, I shall not name my suspects. As for the Dust Devil incident, I truly have no clue as to how that occurred.

1 comment:

  1. Very humerous, lol. Your cats' shenanigans will certainly keep you young.
