The night of July 7 was a long one for both of us. Ponzo had his first muscle spasm or mini-seizure sometime toward morning, after he and I had both finally dozed off together. I was suddenly awakened when one of Ponzo's paws attached itself to my right arm, but I kept my eyes closed because I wanted to remain calm as I reassured Ponzo that it was okay. I believed he was on the verge of falling off the bed, so time was of the essence; my goal was to keep Ponzo from falling, with minimal damage to my arm. Although it seemed much longer, I am sure it took only seconds for me to detach his paw from my limb. Barely a mark, quite surprisingly! Later that day, however, I got a claw accidentally embedded in my right cheek, and that was followed by claws in my arms, one at a time. That is how long it took me to learn to get out of the way of Ponzo's occasional, uncontrollable leg movements. Finally, I was able to keep my eyes open and observe. Ponzo was always conscious and never appeared to be in any pain during these episodes, which I now refer to as muscle spasms. Musculoskeletal spasms?

I believe that Ponzo may have been bitten by a black widow spider. I have read that most black widow bites are fatal to small cats. Those that do survive are lucky, needless to say, for it takes about a month for the poison to work out of a cat's system. And black widow bites do cause spasms. I was told later that it has something to do with calcium. Spider bite or no spider bite, Ponzo did very well for an entire month after his last spasm.