Thursday, August 27, 2009

Technology Phobia

Over the years, I have had three different cell phones with blank phonebooks. Would it have been more convenient to scroll through numbers on my cell phone instead of looking them up in my pocket address book? Of course! Problem is I truly have a mental block when it comes to anything technological. Actually, it is more like a phobia, because when it comes to reading instructions, I start to feel a tightening in my chest, like an anxiety attack, and my brain simply freezes. I must admit that with my present cell phone, I did attempt to set up my phonebook, only to meet with frustration. For example, when I wanted the letter B, I would get the letter A instead, since I was unaware that I needed to hit the 2 key twice for a B. Needless to say, I have never texted (nor do I intend to do so), and that is why I did not know something as basic as how to enter different letters. However, yesterday my niece helped me set up my phonebook; it really was not difficult, once she showed me. But I am so behind the times that it is either frightening or funny, depending upon one's perspective. And although I did not want to overtax my brain yesterday, I took the opportunity to ask my nephew how to reset the clock on my computer, which I did successfully today. All my posts have been approximately three hours behind the actual posting. Now, if I can only figure out how to set the correct time on my posts.... (I think I'll go play with my cats instead.)

"Man is a tool-making animal."--Benjamin Franklin

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