Monday, August 24, 2009


On August 20, 2008, I took a photo of Oprah, my tortoiseshell, on the computer. One year later, I am still computer-challenged. Therefore, this post is a belated "thank you" to the people who responded to my Google Help question: "Is my blog And a Cat Named Ponzo on the web?" (I think that's how I phrased it.) Well, yes, it is on the internet, and it has been from the beginning, only I couldn't find it because I did not know what I was doing. The funny thing was that I could find my Google Help question on the internet, for all the world to see, I might add, but not my blog. How is that possible? Perhaps it's partly due to the fact that I went to school before the computer age. The electric typewriter had already been invented, but all my term papers were typed on my manual typewriter. Does anybody remember those? Anyway, back to my Google Help question. I received the following personal e-mail question: "Are you saying that you cannot find it through search engines, or even when you put that link in your browser it does not work?" That's when the light bulb went on inside my head: "link in your browser." I have always used search engines, period, since I discovered them through my trial-and-error method. You see, I have made it a practice not to read any kind of manuals thoroughly, because my brain shuts down after a while; but when the manual itself is on the computer, well, forget it. I have computer-phobia. However, quoting a lyric by The Beatles, "I get by with a little help from my friends."

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