Thursday, January 21, 2010

All's Well That Ends Well

Rebel and I would like to thank everyone who phoned and e-mailed us regarding the incident that occurred last Friday. We greatly appreciate your concern and good wishes. We are happy to report that all is well. Rebel was depressed for several days, and he was limping. I knew all would be truly well once Rebel was able to roll over again. And he did, on Tuesday. He's back to his normal, happy, exuberant self, rolling over and over. I'm fine also. I've come to the conclusion that Rebel and I would react the same way again, given the exact same circumstances. But changing just one variable, it would have been (and would be) a different scenario. Oddly enough, I think this was a test of principles for both Rebel and me, if that makes sense (which it probably doesn't because I'm being cryptic). In conclusion, all's well that ends well.

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