Saturday, January 16, 2010

Godot Hears My Screams

I had hoped to watch Vera Wang on The View yesterday. However, that was not meant to be, since fate had already determined I would be busy, starting at exactly 11 am. Without going into details, let's just say that I found myself unexpectedly screaming for help on my deck. I happened to glance up, and there was Godot, who had been the first one to respond to my screams. Godot was ready to come to my aid, but, unfortunately, he was on the other side of the living room windows. When human help finally did arrive, more than ten minutes later, I asked, "Was I not screaming loud enough?" I was exasperated and on an adrenaline rush, since I had almost given up on anyone showing up. You see, I am quiet by nature. This was the first time I have ever really screamed. Therefore, it felt odd, finding myself in the predicament of being forced to scream at the top of my lungs, especially because it seemed as if I had been screaming for a very long time. And I didn't understand why nobody was yelling back to me that they were coming to assist me. Well, I had been screaming loudly, I was told. In fact, my screams woke up one of the neighbors, but neither one of the two neighbors who showed up could figure out the direction of my screams at first. My screams must have been bouncing off the snowy mountainside. Anyway, I hope I never hear anyone screaming, but if I do, I shall pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1, before trying to figure out the direction of the screams. As for my throat, right now I'm hoarse, but I find that honey helps.

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