Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ponzo's New Year's Resolutions

What one does on New Year's Day sets the tone for the rest of the year. Supposedly. At least that's what my mother told me. Just another family superstition. But with that in mind, Ponzo and I spent a lot of time at the computer yesterday. An inordinate amount of time, I might add. The computer spent hours scanning for viruses. Literally. Then, different programs would not respond. It was quite frustrating. So I guess I can expect to continue to be frustrated at the computer throughout the year. And Ponzo and I shall be watching movies on the computer.

Nonetheless, my assistant Ponzo and I came up with a few New Year's resolutions for our blog. (By the way, we were both opposed to making any personal resolutions, such as losing weight or exercising daily.) We shall continue to have at least one blog post per day, and we hope to include a photo with each one. And since we can schedule posts in advance, Ponzo and I feel that it is a realistic resolution, especially since we have been successful at having daily postings thus far. In addition, we have decided to write twelve cat stories, one story per month, about each feline member of our family. Ponzo has informed me that there is no need to have him as the featured cat of the month, since his story has already been told. Anyone can go back to our early posts to read how Ponzo became a member of the family. Actually, one month will have two featured stories, since we feel we need to include our one canine family member, Rebel. In addition, Ponzo thinks it might be interesting to comment on events outside our microcosm. Occasionally. We shall continue to post some of our favorite quotations. In short, we have no plans or goals, other than the featured cat story of the month, but we would like to put a smile on someone's face once in a while.

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