Friday, January 8, 2010

A Similar Second Chance

History repeats itself. Sometimes we get a second chance or a similar one, even if it is simply the opportunity to do something small over again the right way. Or we get another chance to carry out plans the way we had envisioned them the first time. Such was the case with yesterday's minor snowstorm, which enabled me to live out the plans I had made for myself a couple of weeks ago, when I had intended to sit by the fireplace and watch holiday DVDs. I had even purchased Disney's Babes in Toyland, which reminded me of my childhood because that movie always signalled the beginning of the holiday season for me. But that did not happen this past December because my television died, which meant I also had no working DVD player. Anyway, before yesterday's snowfall, I moved the live Christmas tree on my deck, just as I had when I first placed the newly-purchased tree on the deck right before the start of the blizzard in December. (This time, however, I was moving the tree out of Santa "Bird" Dog's reach.) Opting to stay home instead of accepting a Christmas dinner invitation, I finally watched those holiday DVDs yesterday. And today, as I pushed the two inches of snow from my driveway, I took breaks to sip hot chocolate by the fireplace as I watched Disney's Magical Fireplace. Needless to say, I really like the ambience of a fireplace. Now, if only Old Man Winter would dole out the season's snow two inches at a time instead of dumping two feet all at once, snow removal would be a breeze!

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