Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crocs Save Toe

Less than twenty-four hours ago, I felt a sharp pain in my right foot as I walked across my lawn. And when I write about my lawn, I am referring to the dandelions, wild flowers, dirt, and some scattered patches of grass which pass for a lawn. Anyway, I was surprised that I had stubbed my big toe because I did not see anything on the ground which would have made me stumble. A little searching on my part produced the culprit. I had completely forgotten about the tree stump which had nearly disintegrated into the ground, since I had covered the remnants of the stump with dirt, and it had blended nicely into the ground--that is, until now. Apparently, the winter weather had removed some of the soil, exposing a piece of the decaying tree stump, which is barely visible, by the way. I mean I still have to search for it.

If everything happens for a reason, then perhaps the reason was for me to publish this photo of Ginny, which I took in March 2008, when she was my feral cat girlfriend, who had come over for a visit. You see, yesterday, as well as two years ago, I was wearing my teal Crocs and the same purple slacks. Had I been wearing sandals, I am convinced that I probably would have ended up in the emergency room; therefore, I believe my old Crocs saved my toe. As for the pain, it was bearable, but whatever one is supposed to do after stubbing a toe, this one did not do.

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