Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Eve

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Twelve Days of Christmas

Monday, December 28, 2009
The Answer Man

Since I no longer have cable television, other than the basic channels, yesterday I was going through some severe movie withdrawal. So I decided that Ponzo and I would watch a movie on my computer. When I looked at my Netflix queue, I noticed that one of my listed movies, The Answer Man, was available to be played instantly. You might say that fate made the selection for me. While I cannot speak for Ponzo, who probably prefers watching Rebel rolling over on YouTube, I highly recommend The Answer Man, starring Jeff Daniels as Arlen Faber, a reclusive author, because the movie is witty and tugs at one's heart strings. And it made me laugh.
I related to the character Arlen Faber when he could not get up because of his back pain, and he went to see a chiropractor afterwards. Only Mother Nature was my chiropractor. But I know how Arlen felt. You see, one night in mid-February 2007, I went to bed in a lot of pain and woke up the next morning unable to move at all, because the pain was excruciating. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say the pain was at least a 10. Making a long story short, I laughed when Arlen crawled to the chiropractor's office because it reminded me that I had found myself walking on my knees around my house, when I was finally able to crawl out of bed. A couple of days later, when I was able to walk, taking baby steps, my worst fear was realized when I fell on my icy driveway. What was I doing? I was checking the work of the backhoe, which had removed most of the ice from my driveway earlier. Flat on my back and fearing that I would be unable to move at all, I recall wondering how long it would be before someone came driving down the road and noticed me lying in my driveway. Slowly, I got up the courage to attempt to move and discovered a miracle had taken place, for I got up. Pain-free! What were the odds of that happening?! Anyway, I gave The Answer Man five stars on Netflix--something which I very rarely do.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Charlotte Is the Reason

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Second Day

Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Waiting for Our Mailma'am

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mikey Stays Out Partying

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Let It Snow

Since I suspected we were going to get snowed in this weekend, I decided I needed to buy a Christmas tree. That makes perfect sense to me. It is okay not to have a tree when there is no snow, but if I am going to be a resident of a Winter Wonderland, then I must have a tree. There is nothing better than decorating a tree by the fire when there is snow falling outside. Besides, I wanted the live Serbian Spruce I purchased last December to have a companion. Making a long story short, Rebel, dressed in his Santa hoodie, and I braved the traffic in town yesterday evening and came home with a Christmas tree, which I leaned against the window in the photo. And as you can see, Mark Twain found it fascinating. It will be much more fascinating when the tree comes indoors for a while. That's right, the tree is still outdoors. I was too tired to do anything but sit by the fire and look out the window at the snow today. Nevertheless, it is a Winter Wonderland.
Friday, December 18, 2009
My Interior Designers

Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Classics in Paperback

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Missing Suet Cake Basket

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Fireplace

Sunday, December 13, 2009
At Paw's Length

If you would like to witness this punch, I am posting it on YouTube under the title Cat Punches Cat.mov.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Mug of Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate

Although the photo of the cappuccino-filled mug and the homemade banana cream pie was taken on Thanksgiving Day, it is a hint as to what Santa brought me. No, it was not another cappuccino machine, but it did replace the cappuccino maker I had sitting on the counter next to my microwave. Actually, nothing can replace my cappuccino maker, since I love cappuccino. I should say that I had to relocate my cappuccino machine to another counter, because I had to put my new machine in that location. If you have not guessed (why would you?), Santa brought me a Single Cup Brewer, which will replace both my tea kettles and microwave for making tea. No more forgetting the kettle on the stove, while I sit, falling asleep, at my extremely slow computer; I must say water boils faster than my computer does its scanning thing. My new brewer toy is very convenient, I must say--and it is simple to use, even for someone as technologically challenged as I am.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rebel on YouTube

Rebel Rolls Over. mov
Rebel, Rolling Over. mov
Rebel's Tricks for Treats. mov
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Rebel Rolls Over on YouTube
Posted on YouTube, you can see Rebel rolling over in our still dark living room (even though I turned on a number of lights). Category: Pets & Animals. Title: Rebel Rolls Over, mov. Apparently, there are a number of dogs named Rebel on YouTube. Oh, if you should happen to look closely at the video of my Rebel, you just might catch a glimpse of gray streaking in the background; I am not 100% certain, but I believe that gray streak is Ginny.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Three of my cats, Locksley, Quentin, and Emma, must think I have taken up ventriloquism. Actually, I have taken up making videos. That is, I took my first video today with my little digital camera. It probably would have been better, at least a little easier, had I bothered to look at my Kodak getting started guide, but I like to do things the hard way. Trial-and-error. It is more challenging that way. Plus, it gives me a sense of satisfaction when things work out, despite my not knowing what it is that I am supposed to be doing. Anyway, I decided Rebel would be in my first video. Anticipating what I was going to ask him to do, Rebel rolled over before I even gave him the command. That's funny. I mean, before I gave him my request. Rebel rolled over a total of five times per my request, after his first voluntary roll over. Well, when I played back the video, Locksley, Quentin, and Emma came running into the living room. I wish I could have taped their facial expressions. After all, I played back the video several times, and the three of them stared at my face, yet knew they heard my voice coming out of the camera because my lips were not moving. Rebel, on the other hand, chose to look out the window. Eventually, Locksley decided he needed to growl, because the camera was obviously up to no good. I mean, it was pretending to be my voice. As for the quality of the video itself, the color was fine in my camera, but it turned out way too dark when I viewed it on my computer. And so, folks, that was my first attempt at videotaping.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Proper Office of a Friend
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Santa Hoodie

Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Around Midnight

While Yoda had made friends with Rebel rather quickly, it took a while for me to be able to touch him, and I was only permitted to pat Yoda lightly on the head. I figured Yoda had made friends with Rebel because he thought the large dog would make a good buddy, especially in case he needed protection from the cats in the neighborhood. Yoda was not a fighter, although he already sported a ragged ear. After all, a cat can't run from a bully cat.
Anyway, it was a bitterly cold night two years ago, when Godot decided to dart out the front door as I let Rebel back into the house. At the time, my docile Godot would turn into a screaming banshee, ready to attack anyone who approached him, whenever he managed to escape outside. Well, I knew I had a problem when Yoda appeared, since he was interested in making the acquaintance of my banshee in tuxedo cat's clothing. Immediately, I decided it would be easier to lure the feral cat into my house than it would be to catch Godot, who would return only when he was ready to do so.
Therefore, using canned tuna catfood as bait, I held the front door open, and Yoda very slowly stuck his nose inside. When the tip of Yoda's tail eventually entered the house, I quickly shut the door behind him. And that's where Yoda stayed the entire night, right by the door, under a small table. As for Godot, he eventually returned with an attitude, since he probably thought that letting a feral cat into the house was a bad idea.
When I got up in the morning, Yoda had moved under the hutch in the dining room. So, I went about my morning routine. When I noticed that Yoda had disappeared from underneath the hutch, I called his name and got a loud response from the bedroom. Horrified, I already knew what he was doing before I reached the room. Yoda stood urinating on the green carpet at the side of the bed. I believe he was apologizing, because he just kept talking. Since it was not his fault, but mine, I waited patiently until Yoda was done. Hoping the feral cat would not freak out on me, I picked him up quickly and, holding him at arm's length, I carried him into the bathroom, where I introduced him to a litterbox. Second introductions were necessary, but he has never had an accident since that first time. And that is how Yoda became a housecat.
Has Yoda ever expressed an interest in going outside again? No. He knows life is better inside the house. Yoda is my ragdoll cat now.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Jingle Bells

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving Day Salamander

As much as I would like to assist Ponzo in writing more posts to be scheduled in the future, I am exhausted after doing some leaf-raking. More like leaf-walking and leaf-pushing, since I don't bag the leaves. I just walk and push them downhill into the woods. Still, I feel the pain. I don't care what anybody says, raking (or walking or pushing) leaves is hard work. That being said, I shall now fix a cup of hot cider and plop myself into my recliner to watch a movie.
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