Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Three of my cats, Locksley, Quentin, and Emma, must think I have taken up ventriloquism. Actually, I have taken up making videos. That is, I took my first video today with my little digital camera. It probably would have been better, at least a little easier, had I bothered to look at my Kodak getting started guide, but I like to do things the hard way. Trial-and-error. It is more challenging that way. Plus, it gives me a sense of satisfaction when things work out, despite my not knowing what it is that I am supposed to be doing. Anyway, I decided Rebel would be in my first video. Anticipating what I was going to ask him to do, Rebel rolled over before I even gave him the command. That's funny. I mean, before I gave him my request. Rebel rolled over a total of five times per my request, after his first voluntary roll over. Well, when I played back the video, Locksley, Quentin, and Emma came running into the living room. I wish I could have taped their facial expressions. After all, I played back the video several times, and the three of them stared at my face, yet knew they heard my voice coming out of the camera because my lips were not moving. Rebel, on the other hand, chose to look out the window. Eventually, Locksley decided he needed to growl, because the camera was obviously up to no good. I mean, it was pretending to be my voice. As for the quality of the video itself, the color was fine in my camera, but it turned out way too dark when I viewed it on my computer. And so, folks, that was my first attempt at videotaping.

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