Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Missing Suet Cake Basket

A week or so ago, I attached a small hook on the other side of this post and, using a red ribbon, I tied a suet cake basket to it. I placed a homemade cake of peanut butter and birdseed in the basket, and it attracted quite a number of interesting birds, including a red-headed woodpecker, for the entertainment of Mark Twain, who enjoyed looking at the winged diners through the living room windows. Well, that entertainment lasted only a few days. Honestly, I am surprised it lasted that long, because the basket and red ribbon disappeared one night without a trace. Since the black bears should be in hibernation already, I suspect that perhaps it could have been a dog. I would have guessed a raccoon to be the culprit, but there is not even the hint of a scratch on the wood, so I believe the animal must have jumped up to take down the basket. Maybe I shall try hanging pine cones covered in peanut butter and birdseed next time.

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