Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mikey Stays Out Partying

This is how Mikey looks after staying out all night partying. Pretty good. Apparently, she must have been invited to a Christmas party at the Opossums' home, because the last time I saw Mikey on Saturday evening was when I let her outside and then I saw her disappear into the cats' underground railroad passageway, which can be taken to the Opossums' residence under our deck. I have never been invited to any of the Opossums' social functions, but Rebel, who has also never been invited, has pointed out their residence to me many times as we've walked on the roof of the marsupials' humble abode. Anyway, that was the only place Mikey could have gone, because a couple feet of snow engulfed our house. And Mikey must have been having a good time eating mouse or whatever non-vegetarian food the Opossums were serving, since she refused to come home, despite the bitter cold, until I let Rebel outside this morning. Oh, I had planned on taping Rebel in the snow; instead, I happened to capture the moment Mikey returned home, and I am putting that very short video on YouTube, for anybody who would like to see our gorgeous girl Mikey. A reality video. Mikey Comes

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