Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This photo depicts the extent of Rebel's physical assistance in our snow removal project. He prefers to be my supervisor, sitting on the deck and carefully observing me shoveling snow. It has been a very slow process, especially since my breaks are getting more frequent and longer each day. Actually, I spend a great deal of time standing around and just looking up at the trees. This is my glass is half-full attitude coming into play. If I viewed the snow removal as a chore, I would probably get depressed over it because it is hard work. Only I prefer to see it as exercise. It will get done when it gets done. During the blizzard on Saturday, which I shall call Day One of Shoveling, I only shoveled enough of a path for Rebel to get off the deck and have a little space. On Day Two, I made a narrow footpath up my driveway. Disregarding my blurry vision and waxing carpal tunnel, I shoveled enough space at the entrance of the driveway for one of Santa's helpers' (USPS, UPS, FedEx) vehicles. On Day Three, I shoveled enough snow for a vehicle plus Santa's sleigh sans reindeer. And today, Day Four, there is enough room for all of Santa's reindeer in addition to the sleigh and helpers' vehicle. As for my own vehicle, it is snowed in; it is inside the garage, where it will probably remain for a long time.

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